AimStrip® 10-SG, 100/bottle
Dispositivo para el análisis de orina, detecta lo siguiente: Glucosa, Bilirubin, Cetona, Gravedad Específica, Sangre, pH, Proteina, Urobilinogeno, Nitrito y Leucocitos en la Orina. 100 Pruebas por Botella.
Ref# 52275 Dipstick reagent strips for the qualitative detection of Microalbumin and Creatinine. 25 Tests/bottle. CLIA Waived.
Urinalysis dipstick.
Detects Microalbumin & Creatinine as low as 10mg/L
Sensitivity as low as 2.0 mg/dL, CLIA Waived
Semi-Quantitative A:C ratio results in one minute
Exclusively read on AimStrip® Urine Analyzer 2
Same procedure as leading national brand
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